

The Hope for Wildlife Society is a non-profit charitable organization
and, as such, we rely entirely on grants and donations from individuals, businesses and corporations in order to provide the
supplies, caging, food and medicine required to care for the wildlife.
All of our day-to-day administration and labour
is provided by a dedicated group of volunteers.
We are also very fortunate in that all of our veterinary requirements
are generously donated by the Dartmouth Veterinary Hospital.
Donations may be made online, through the secure donation links provided on the bottom of each
page of this website, or by mail to:
Hope for Wildlife Society5909 Highway 207 Site
14 Box 1 Seaforth, NS B0J 1N0 In Canada, you may also designate the
Hope for Wildlife Society as your charity of choice through the United Way payroll deduction program by giving our Registered
Charity No. 885062448RR0001 to your employer.
A charitable donation receipt will be issued for all donations. For donations
made online through CanadaHelps.org, you will receive an immediate electronic receipt that you can print for your records.
Notice: If you lose your charitable donation receipt from CanadaHelps.org, you will need to contact them directly
with your name and the apporximate date of your donation and they will issue you with a replacement receipt. You can find
this and other information under the FAQ section of the top menu "How To Give."
We wish to thank all of our
supporters without whom we would be unable to continue with our valuable work.